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7 Reasons you should choose Cladding Coatings over the alternatives


Here’s seven reasons why you should choose cladding coatings instead of regular painters or replacing your cladding:

1. We have a dedicated team for preparing surfaces and nobody does it more thoroughly

2. We have specialist in depth knowledge of high performance systems to suit any conditions

3. Our work is backed by our guarantees which means less cost in the long run

4. We self snag/check our own quality of work before handing over back to you

5. We are more cost effective than replacing cladding

6. We are more Eco friendly with 90%+ of our paint systems having low VOC content

7. We are genuinely passionate about what we do and strive to achieve a no hassle service for the decision maker


Free advice, onsite samples and site surveys, we beat the competition!


Kind Regards,

Mike Hallwood, Cladding Coatings Ltd
Phone: 07961798799

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
  • Email:

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