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Floor Painting Service

Cladding Coatings is seeing an increased demand for its Floor Painting Service. And it is not a surprise to our team, you can make your floor last longer and keep it clean more easily by applying a Paint System ideally when your floor is new. Of course new floors are not commonplace, so the Cladding Coatings team has developed a service which sees our professional team prepare and repair a floor before applying a paint system that gives a finish as new.

Cladding Coatings has carefully chosen the Rawlins 303 Epoxy Paint Systems for its projects of this nature. The 303 Epoxy Floor paint is a high performance, water dispersible epoxy coating specially designed for the protection and decoration of interior flooring. The system is simple to apply and environmentally friendly whilst offering excellent resistance to water, oils, petrol, dilute acids and many solvents.

The team are also finding other benefits from the paint system, such as low odour during application and good adhesion concrete surfaces. The systems also work well on wood or metal flooring. Which is great news for us when we are discussing options with our customers. We can also offer options such as fast curing for busy areas which are difficult to barricade and also a non-slip surface finish.

Typically a floor system project involves the following steps which take time, but the results are surely worthwhile. The preparation is key to the success of the project, firstly we would thoroughly clean the surface with a Cleaner & Degreaser, once clean we must allow the floor to completely dry before moving to the next stage. In some cases we may use shot blasting, scarifying or grinding equipment to remove any engrained dirt and damage from scrapes and the manoeuvring of large machinery on the floor, leaving a clean and smooth finish. This preparation is key to the success of the paint system. Any residues left on the surface will affect the adhesion, durability and aesthetics of the floor.

The first stage of the paint system can then be applied, a Primer, which must be given time to cure before further coats are applied. We then applied 2 coats of 303 Epoxy Floor Paint in the colour chosen by our customer.

Our surveyor will meet with you and review your floor’s current state before recommending a solution which will extend the life expectancy of your floor. To arrange a survey please contact us today.

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
  • Email:

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