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It’s cold outside – give your building a new ‘coat’

The winter months can be very damaging to a building. The freezing temperatures and awful weather can severely affect your cladding; cracking the paint & making it rust.

When left without treatment, it can become too damaged to refurbish, leaving the costly replacement as the only option. The icy temperatures are known to cause the painted cladding to crack, and the rain and snow will discolour the cladding leaving it dull and unsightly.

It is a well-known fact that people often judge a something based on its appearance – including your shop or business premises. That’s why it is important to ensure your building looks fresh and attractive.

We use protective coating systems when refurbishing buildings – the system protects against weathering both sun and rain. It also protects in the freezing temperatures as it is a zero-degree temperature application – which in turn means that unlike before, external refurbishment can now be carried out in the winter months, and to a high standard. We can back up these protective systems with our 10-year guarantee. Read more about our zero degree system.

We use leading, proven, high quality, high strength systems when coating external cladding, to give the best protection with the best finish.

Cladding Coatings shop front and cladding spraying services will leave your building looking like new with a fresh and weather defensive coat. Is your building protected this winter? Get in touch with us to arrange your FREE site visit.

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
  • Email:

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