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New Flat Roof Service

Cladding Coatings is pleased to unveil its latest service offering, Flat Roof Refurbishment.

Following feedback from customers and the investigative work of Cladding Coatings product development team, customers will now be able to rely on our qualified Technicians to help protect their flat roofs using new technology we think will stand Cladding Coatings apart from the rest.

Cladding Coatings has chosen to work with Tor Coatings range of liquid roofing systems. Tor Coatings is part of RPM Inc. one of the world’s largest protective coatings businesses with almost 40 years experience. The Tor brand is known for its high performance and cutting edge products.

As an Approved Contractor and Applicator of Tor Coatings, Cladding Coatings has added the new service to its portfolio, training of all technical and field based staff has been completed and new clients are already readying themselves for seeing the new paint systems being applied to their premises.

“We chose the liquid system of Tor Coatings as we feel it offers something completely different to traditional roofing systems and in particular is a great fit for our existing customers who will undoubtedly benefit from these unconventional qualities.” Mike Hallwood, Managing Director, Cladding Coatings

Flat roofing can be prone to leaks due to either joints in felting or seams around protrusions such as chimney stacks or pipes. Cladding Coatings Flat Roof Refurbishment system eliminates these potential problems by using the Tor Liquid system, providing a highly flexible long lasting system which will provide protection for up to 25 years.

During our testing and development of the new service we found that the time involved in the project is considerably shorter than traditional methods. The liquid system does not require the old roof material to be removed, the new coating can simply be applied on top of the existing surface, once prepared. Our customers will immediately see a cost saving in terms of labour man hours and also the costly exercise of disposing of the old roof material.

For more information about Flat Roof Refurbishment or to arrange a no obligation survey please contact Cladding Coatings today.

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
  • Email:

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