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North Seaton Site Re-visit

Continual exceptional results is something we consistently deliver at Cladding Coatings. We surpass customer expectations, producing beautified and well-protected buildings time and time again. With over a decade of experience, we have refurbished facades up and down the country, on a variety of different buildings facing numerous maintenance issues. Our specialist refurbishment services restore, renovate and bring the declining buildings back to life, guaranteeing the excellent finish for at least ten years.

This guarantee isn’t just something we claim to provide. We completely back this up by carrying out site re-visits to ensure our great results are still standing the test of time. A site re-visit is a free service we offer all our clients as part of our maintenance plan. 

One of our recent site re-visits was to the North Seaton Industrial Estate in Northumberland. The industrial estate is owned by landlord Whittle Jones, a company whom we have worked with many times over the years. This was a very large project for us, as we renovated not one but five deteriorating industrial units. The buildings had been left in poor condition after years of neglect; there was damage to nearly every area of the building, from the walls and doors to the roofs and guttering. The exteriors of these units were in critical condition and needed to be treated quickly before permanent, irreversible damages occured.

The full external refurbishment of these units consisted of on-site spraying of the walls, roofs, roller shutter doors and guttering, as well as cut-edge corrosion treatment. This project is also the location of our popular rooflight experience film, where we tested different systems on a rooflight to show the effects of a protected coating – watch our video here.

It has been almost five years since this renovation was carried out and it was the perfect time to return to the site to evaluate our work. We were delighted to see our restoration services still look as great today as they did on the day of competition.The walls and roofs have remained well painted and protected, and the colour hasn’t begun to fade or flake, which is an excellent testament to our quality of finish. The roof has also remained in excellent condition: since our treatment, there has been no further cut-edge corrosion damage and the previous corrosion we treated has been unable to spread or worsen. As we expected, the rooflights have stayed dirt free, meaning our protective coating is living up to expectations and preventing dirt and residue build up.

It was great to re-visit this site and see how well our building refurbishments are doing. We are proud to offer this re-visit service as complimentary to all our projects.

Have a read of the original case study for North Seaton here.

Services involved:

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
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