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Refresh and rejuvenate: it’s time to give your facade a facelift

Cladding CoatingsThe climate changes so rapidly here in the UK, with a scorching summer heat wave drawing to a close and a harsh winter forecast for the coming months. These great environmental fluctuations can have a heavy impact on your building’s facade. Discolouration, wear and rust are all common concerns that can leave a property’s exterior looking unprofessional, with external damage often leading to internal problems.

As such, now is the time to consider giving your building a facelift ahead of the winter months. Allowing heavy deterioration of paintwork may result in repair work being an insurmountable task, leaving expensive and disruptive cladding replacement as the only option. Fortunately, Cladding Coatings specialise in external repainting works, stepping in to ensure your building’s exterior can be recoated and repainted to avoid costly replacement.

Specialists in on-site spraying of vertical wall cladding – the most popular building material used on industrial properties – at Cladding Coatings we have our own in-house team of on-site spraying experts with multiple years of repainting experience. Approved partners of leading paint and coating supplier Rust-Oleum, we use their renowned Noxyde water-based paint, which provides unrivalled corrosion protection. The result is a repainted building that is bright, clean and professional, with longevity guaranteed: making on-site spraying a sensible and cost-effective investment.

We offer a unique colour-matching service, so there are no limits to the colours we can use to ensure your facade remains on-brand. In fact, we offer a free on-site sample service, giving you the assurance that the exacting colour is chosen before the full on-site spraying work begins.

With Christmas on the horizon, many firms head into their busiest trading months of the calendar year. Therefore, it is essential that any maintenance works are carried out with minimal disruption to the site. Whilst replacement projects are time-consuming and often interfering, on-site spraying can be done around your schedule, allowing for ‘business as usual’.

When a professional, skilled and guaranteed finish is required for your building’s exterior, don’t assume a costly replacement project is your only option. Contact Cladding Coatings today on 0161 626 3493: our expert on-site spraying team will be happy to assess, advise, and assure you of a facade exterior that looks as good as new.

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
  • Email:

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