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We are now Constructionline Accredited

At Cladding Coatings, we pride ourselves on our exceptional regard to health and safety. As a result, we are very proud to have a variety of health and safety accreditations to support this goal. In addition, we are delighted to announce we have a new accreditation to add to our list as we have just become a silver Constructionline member.

Constructionline is a widely recognised and essential accreditation within the construction sector. Constructionline is the UK’s most well-known provider of procurement and supply chain management services.

As a member of Constructionline, we will receive the guidance and support from industry specialists who can help us, simplify any procurement tasks, reduce risks, keep inline and up to date with necessary legislation and improve our business development.

Constructionline is a founder member of Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP), which allows members undergo various health and safety schemes and assessments; this will be an excellent benefit to us. They also work very closely with a selection of carefully chosen partners, which helps them to maximise the benefits to its members.

Being apart of Constructionline will help to maintain the high standards of service and quality which we provide to our customers while gaining additional support from construction specialist and continually improving our health and safety standards.

To find out more about Cladding Coatings, take a look at our about us page where you can see a list of our accreditations and further information about who we are and what we do to help businesses with our professional cladding refurbishment services.

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
  • Email:

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