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Wall Cladding in Durham
It can be a very costly process to replace your building’s metal wall cladding. That said, understanding that deterioration is inevitable over time, replacement is something many businesses feel they must do. However, at Cladding Coatings here in Jarrow, near Durham, we pride ourselves on our expert wall cladding coating systems that repair and refurbish your existing wall cladding without the need for expensive replacement.
Using our tried and tested professional processes, Cladding Coatings are specified by surveyors and property managers alike as approved applicators of leading manufacturers’ systems. This enviable reputation sees us chosen for high profile projects, such as the recently-completed refurbishment works on the new Darlington Sports Direct unit close to our Durham base. As part of the conversion to Sports Direct from JJB, the wall cladding spraying process was essential to remove evidence of the former branding. With thorough site preparation and a prompt turnaround time of just less than three weeks, the unit was ready to make a lasting first impression.
Allowing your building’s wall cladding to deteriorate can create an unprofessional finish and have the damaging impact of allowing water to enter your building. However, your local Durham office has experts on hand available to visit your site and assess ways to prevent further damage. Call us on +44 (0)161 626 3493 to speak to a friendly specialist team member.
Cladding Coatings Ltd
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