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CHAS Accreditation Approval

Here at Cladding Coatings we are please to announce we have just passed our CHAS Accreditation. CHAS assess applicants on their health and safety, testing whether their policies are adequate, regularly managed and suitable for the working conditions. CHAS check to see if a business has the ability, experience and resources to carry out the specific work they have applied to do. In our case, it was a check to see if we can carry our internal and external renovations safely, using the correct equipment and resources and to a high standard. CHAS also look at things like method statements, specific risk assessments, references, examples of previous similar work, training and available resources, to check that we are carrying out all the safety precautions correctly and to ensure all of our staff are aware of our health and safely regulations and guidelines. They also assessed us whilst we were working, which is especially important since we work in a high risk environment. We were checked to see if we were managing the work safely, carrying out the method statements properly, have enough resources, liaising properly, managing the site effectively and providing enough supervision.

After this analysis was complete it was great news! We had passed in all areas of the check, and now officially have CHAS Accreditation Approval, for our standards of health and safety. We pride ourselves on our health and safely and always ensure we are doing everything we can to ensure our staff and the working environment is as safe as possible.

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
  • Email:

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