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Trick or Treat?

The wind howling through the broken rooflights and the dark, dreary peeling paint on the walls really does create an eerie unnerving setting but is this really the scene that you want when showing potential tenants around a property? We think not!

Spooky dilapidated warehouses are vital when creating horror movies but not so vital when you are trying to attract new tenants or business.

Empty building premises won’t look after themselves and like with anything else the upkeep and maintenance need to be kept on top of.

There are several areas on a commercial building which could potentially have issues such as the roofing, walls, doors, guttering and even the floors. A whole range of different factors can cause these problems such as the weather, pollution, wildlife and simple wear and tear which occurs over time and due to the age of the property.

Sometimes simple things such as cleaning the exterior of your building can make a huge amount of difference. Improper cleaning cannot only leave your building looking unsightly, but it can also lead to more serious long-term problems because water and dirt can build up on external walls and damage the structural integrity of a building. (Read more about our Cladding Cleaning Service) Similarly, blocked guttering can lead to water pooling on roofs which in turn can damage the roof panels and can lead to water entering the property and then consequently the interior of the building can be compromised. (Read more about our Gutter Cleaning service)

You want to assure potential tenants that anything that they house in a property whether it be product or staff, won’t fall foul to a leaking roof or roof light. Over time Glass fibre-reinforced plastic roof lights become dirty, fibrous, absorbent and fragile where the only option would be to replace the roof light. Cladding Coatings offer Rooflight Refurbishment and use an industrial coating system to help prevent these failing features from occurring.

Flaking paint is also a no-go area for inviting new custom and tenants and worse than that, if peeling paint is left untreated much larger problems can occur such as cut edge corrosion. At Cladding Coatings, we offer a variety of systems to treat and re-coat external walls. (Read more about our Wall Cladding Coating Services)

If you want your building to be the neglected, creepy setting in the latest horror movie then leaving it as it is might just do the trick! However, if you want to attract new long-lasting business and tenants then the team here at Cladding Coatings can transform your building into a real treat! Contact us today for a quotation.

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
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