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What can affect the industrial wall cladding on your property?

You may think that it is just the weather you have to consider when assessing what causes damage to your industrial wall cladding, but wildlife and other factors can also have a detrimental effect on your building’s exterior.

Martin Collins Enterprises before refurbishment

With the bad weather the UK has experienced in recent weeks, it would be easy to assume that the weather was the only thing causing damage to your property, which isn’t entirely the case. Whilst the weather is one of the most common causes of building damage, it isn’t the only one. Wildlife, vegitation, the environment and human error are other things to consider.

What causes industrial wall cladding damage?

Many things can cause cladding damage, but one of the biggest causes as well as the weather, is wildlife. This is destruction that occurs as a direct result of the wildlife and environment in which the building is situated.

Metal Cladding With Bird Sat on Roof


Birds and other small animals can cause problems for your property. That is why it is essential to ensure that your external cladding and roof are well maintained and free from holes or gaps where small creatures might try to enter.

Birds nesting on roofs or in gutters can cause problems for your property. Nesting birds means there is an increased chance of bird droppings falling onto your roof and wall cladding which can damage the paintwork of your metal cladding which not only looks unsightly but can also lead to cladding deterioration. Your gutters need to be kept clear and free from debris and damage to ensure water can flow freely away from your property.

Trees & Foliage

Depending on your property, you might be surrounded by trees and or foliage. Debris and leaves can block gutter systems which can stop water draining away from your property efficiently, leading to problems for your industrial wall cladding and roof sheets. Falling trees and branches could potentially cause damage to the cladding on your property too. Moss and Ivy can be quite hard to control around properties, and the plants can damage the finish of your painted industrial wall cladding.

Project in Killarney - Corrosion

Air Salinity

The salinity levels in the atmosphere can determine how quickly corrosion occurs on your building. Based on the location of your building, there may be higher levels of salinity in the air. For example, if your building is in a coastal area with high salt levels in the atmosphere, you may find that your property shows signs of rust and corrosion much quicker than an inland property with a cleaner atmosphere. You can learn more about the corrosion classifications here.

What can be done?

  • Whilst some of these factors are beyond your control, there is still something you can do to help ensure your industrial wall cladding looks good and keeps your building secure.
  • Make sure that trees and foliage aren’t overhanging your property and causing damage, ensuring that garden areas and green spaces are well maintained.
  • Make sure paintwork is well looked after and repaired as soon as any damage occurs.
  • Regular cladding cleaning will ensure any grime or dirt is cleaned away from the metal cladding’s surface.
  • Make sure you complete regular planned maintenance to ensure any building issues are dealt with when they arise and to recognise any potential issues early.

Of course, general wear and tear are inevitable, too, and you certainly can’t foresee accidental damage happening to your cladding. However, you can do something about it when the damage has occurred. Cladding Coatings offers a repair service that will fix and refurbish your property’s industrial wall cladding. When cladding damage is too severe and unrepairable, cladding replacement becomes your only option but we can help with that too.

Cladding Coatings offer a range of cladding services to ensure your industrial wall cladding stays in good condition. Get in touch with our team to find out more about our industrial wall cladding refurbishment services, or book your free on-site survey here.

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
  • Email:

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