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New flat roof service and how it works to keep your building warm

Cladding Coatings recently introduced a new flat roof system which helps to keep a building warm. The system is beneficial when repairing complex roofing structures which have deteriorated.

The system is applied as a liquid, therefore encapsulating the entire roof and sealing perfectly chimneys or pipes without joins or seams. A further and equally important benefit is that the new flat roof system will also keep your roof and therefore the building warm.

The Cladding Coating system includes a number of key elements to achieve a warm roof result and also complies with building regulations (Part L).
The system includes a Vapour Control Membrane, this is not always required but usually is recommended for pitched or flat roofs, this is followed by an Insulation Layer to achieve thermal performance.

For roofs which have been deteriorated we will apply a Primer which helps the adhesion of the system. The Embedment Coat can then be applied, this is the base waterproofing layer, followed by a top coat which will complete the system and ensure the desired life expectancy of the protection is achieved. Once dry the roof will be smooth, in a plain colour with a mid-sheen finish.

The system is flexible and can be applied directly to many traditional roof materials such as felt, asphalt, bitumen, asbestos cement sheet, fibre cement sheet. There is no need to remove the existing roof system first, saving time and costs.

The end result is a roof with improved insulation properties which means reduced costs in heating the building. Further costs are kept to a minimum due to the 25 year expected life of the system before a maintenance check is required.

To arrange a survey please contact a member of the Cladding Coatings team today. Read more about our flat roof service here.

Cladding Coatings Ltd

  • Address: Tanners Business Centre, Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7NH
  • Phone: +44 (0)161 626 3493, +44 (0)7961 798 799
  • Email:

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