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Nelson House, Timperley, Altrincham
Nelson House comprises a number of self contained office suites on basement, ground, first and second floors overlooking Bridgewater Canal.
Situated South of Manchester with good travel network links, this now fully refurbished building makes an excellent facility for businesses.
Cladding Coatings were chosen to complete the refurbishment to the external facade.
The project included three main entrances, the external masonry coating, car park walls, stair cases and railings.
This project was challenging due to the poor weather conditions, carrying out the work in winter but also because of the large areas of masonry requiring coating.
Cladding Coatings were careful with the preparation and used their experience and specialist knowledge to complete the work as planned.
The original paintwork was white and grey but has now being modernised and painted a stylish grey with vibrant purple entrances.
The new look will help to attract new tenants into the building and has given the office building a whole new look.
Find out more about Cladding Coatings services here.
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Cladding Coatings Ltd
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